The AKA is creating a new forum for discussion. In the interm, please email us any information you want to share.
You are important to the American Kratom Association. In fact, we are here to advocate on your behalf, particularly if you are one of the millions of Americans who rely on natural kratom for health and wellness.
If you are, we know that you have a story. Perhaps it’s about how kratom has helped you deal with pain. Maybe it helps with anxiety or contributing to a more restful sleep. Whatever it might be, it is important to you, and we want to hear it, and maybe even share it (with your permission, of course!).
There are a few ways you can share your kratom experiences with friends:
1. Write your story down and message us on facebook or via email
2. Take your smart phone and send us a video testimonial
3. Post your thoughts on your own Facebook, Twitter, or other social media pages.
The important point is to be authentic and honest. Let others know why you use natural kratom and how it fits into your lifestyle.
Again, with your permission, we may share your stories through our official social media channels, on our KratomBlog, or maybe even contact you about additional information and maybe even an interview.